Job Overview
Job Description
Team for Training and development is looking for two qualified and experienced instructors to deliver 2 separate courses. The first course is related to Child Protection and the second course is related to Vulnerable Population. Both courses will be directed to Civil Society Organizations. The course will take place in Benghazi for a minimum of one week and shall be repeated several times.
Required Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree related to humanitarian studies or equivalent. Master Degree is a plus
- Minimum of 5 years of experience working with Child protection and or Vulnerable population
- Previous experience in training delivery of child protection or Vulnerable population
- Proven track record of achievement as an instructor.
How To Apply
candidates who qualify for this vacancy please send you cv with a cover letter to [email protected].
The Cv MUST include training experience, detailed professional experience with achievements, a list of customers trained with course names for each customer, and 3 references.