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Sales and marketing job offer

Massar Computer Company

Job Overview

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Digital Marketing 

Applier to this job is expected to engage with company’s Customers and audience ,answering their questions and providing possible solution to their needs ,all of that while also maintaining activity through our social media channels creating images to post ,sharing information ,specs and other related topics 

Job Requirements

  1. At Least 1 year of sales Experience preferably in the computer and Electronic Devices field.
  2. Creative designing skills 
  3. To have basic foundation and familiarity with electronic devices and the specs of it .
  4. To be polite , well experienced with people excellent in communication skills .

How To Apply

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Libyanjobs.ly part of the Libyan Investment Website Co for E-commerce
AL Amrus Road, Souq Al Juma, Tripoli – Libya
[email protected]

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