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MEL Specialist

Job Overview

Libya Public Financial Management (LPFM)
Field Office in Tripoli, Libya
Position Description: MEL Specialist

The USAID-funded Libya Public Financial Management activity (LPFM) is being implemented by The Pragma Corporation. The purpose of the LPFM activity is to advance Libya’s national stability through three objectives. First, LPFM will strengthen the Government of Libya’s (GOL) public financial management (PFM) policies and processes in order to strengthen the fiscal foundations for sustainable and inclusive growth. Second, LPFM will provide technical assistance and capacity building for Libya’s electricity sector. Third, LPFM will seek to improve Libya’s business enabling environment in order to stimulate growth of the private sector.
LPFM supports USAID’s development hypothesis which states that if the GOL can achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in the management of public finances, including through more efficient management of the electricity sector, then macroeconomic stability will be restored, creating the fiscal space for greater public investment in critical services and infrastructure, increasing Libya’s political and social stability. It further hypothesizes that if Libya can create a business environment that is conducive to economic growth and job creation, then this will help to legitimize the state, increase political and economic stability, and give the Libyan people hope for the future.

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Specialist

Basic Function of the Position

The MEL Specialist will serve as the LPFM Focal Point of Contact for Monitoring and Evaluation in Libya, and more specifically Tripoli area, to ensure field implementation of proven MEL systems, approaches, and methodologies to support LPFM activities and collect data used to report on achievement of LPFM results. As the LPFM MEL relay in the field, the incumbent will collect raw data according to the project’s data collection tools, perform preliminary data validation, coordinate with technical teams to check activities schedule, and consistently ensure MEL presence as required for all LPFM activities.
The MEL Specialist will be responsible for data collection, quality assurance, and data entry prior to transferring it to the Tunis Management and Back Office Team to for data processing and results reporting. S/he will work with the LPFM Grants Manager to ensure that the grantees are collecting and reporting MEL data as required. The MEL Specialist will track, in tandem with the technical team contact, Third Party Monitoring local subcontractor and will monitor on LPFM’s account the monitoring visits.
The MEL Specialist will identify potential success stories, particularly on women or youth empowerment and the LPFM objectives.
The MEL Specialist will also support the local Grantee research firm for data survey efforts.
Major Duties and Responsibilities

The MEL Specialist will be responsible for performing monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) field functions across the LPFM activity. As part of the LPFM MEL team, s/he will cover all field LPFM activities in Tripoli area and throughout Libya.
1. MEL System Activities
The MEL Coordinator/Specialist will be responsible for supporting the LPFM MEL System .
Specific duties will include:
• Perform data collection, ensuring that the correct data collection tools are used, and that data is collected according to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for specific indicators. Provide suggestions on how to improve/update the SOPs and data collection tools.
• Ensure that excel formulas are correct when entering data into the LPFM OneDrive MEL system.
• Conduct initial data verification and quality control of the data prior to data entry into the LPFM MEL system.
• Upload collected data into the shared MEL online drive, including: training data into the training database, uploading evidence and scanning originals into the quarterly sub-folders for each indicator, inserting aggregate data into the data collection tools (DCTs), following the SOPs and/or Tunis Management and Back Office Team to for data processing and results reporting.
• Ensure that the data collection tools (e.g., daily training sign-in sheets) and raw data has been aggregated, reviewed for correctness, and correction noted according to the SOPs and MEL requirements.
• Maintain documentation/information system for performance indicators, including data collection forms, monitoring reports, hard copies of verification documentation, etc.
• Maintain electronic and hard copy files to meet the Automated Directives System requirements.
• Other duties as assigned.

2. Field-Data Collection
The LPFM MEL Specialist will work to ensure that the LPFM data collected in Libya is conducted according to the AMELP requirements, aligns with the SOPs and DCTs, and is monitored and verified according to requirements.
Specific duties will include:
• Support verification of all LPFM performance data collected in Libya.
• Monitor LPFM program events and workshops: the MEL Specialist will be expected to attend opening and closing day of events supported by LPFM to ensure that the data collection tools relevant to that event are being completed as required.
• Coordinate with Local LPFM Administration to have training/workshop sign-in sheets typed prior to the events, through confirmation of participant booking.
• Collect LPFM indicator data, as assigned.
• Scan indicator data into the MEL system (OneDrive).
• Work with the Grants Manager to ensure that the grantee indicator data is collected according to requirements.
• Support the LPFM MEL Manager, in tandem with the technical team’s in Libya, with Third Party Monitoring local subcontractor and report on the outcomes of the monitoring visits.

• Support the LPFM MEL Manager with the local Grantee research firm for data survey efforts.
• Perform LPFM site visits / monitoring tasks, including maintaining site visit reports and follow-up action trackers; and document follow-up actions.
• Coordination with other LPFM team members and administration.
• Support the development of LPFM MEL databases, spreadsheets or other tools to ensure that data is compiled and readily available.
• Support GIS mapping of LPFM coverage, performance, results, beneficiaries, and other geographic data.
• Support on the LPFM weekly MEL dashboard.
• Coordinate with project staff to identify and create success stories
• Any other related support.
Reporting Lines
The MEL Specialist will report to the LPFM MEL Manager located in Tunis, Tunisia.

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Libyanjobs.ly part of the Libyan Investment Website Co for E-commerce
AL Amrus Road, Souq Al Juma, Tripoli – Libya
[email protected]

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